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On Education - Interviews with professors and department heads cover the hottest courses available at the eight higher education institutions and the resulting career opportunities.

The world's leading MBA programs


Daniel Bauer

Managing Director

The MBA Exchange

The best time to formulate an action plan for MBA admissions success is two years before your projected enrollment date. Procrastination is a luxury that you simply cannot afford.

Gaining admission to the world's leading MBA programs has never been tougher. Whether motivated by a vision of unlimited career opportunities or concern about economic downturns, the pool of qualified applicants seeking admission to top MBA programs such as Harvard, Stanford and Wharton is massive.

The challenge is even greater for international applicants. Typically, it takes even stronger qualifications for someone from Hong Kong to earn a seat that would otherwise go to an American applicant.

So, what can motivated Hong Kong applicants do to improve their chances for admissions success?

Anticipate the reasons why schools say "no"?

MBA admissions committees are only human. They seek easy ways to cull the herd, eliminating those applicants with flaws that have not been addressed in the application. This goes beyond grades or GMAT test scores to include the more subjective factors: leadership, teamwork, ethics, diversity and general management potential.

Strengths need to be defined in terms of the value that they bring to the classroom. Weaknesses need to be explained, remedial action presented and concerns pre-empted. And, perhaps most important of all, the applicant must express a convincing rationale for "why an MBA, why now and why this school?

Go beyond daily duties; "doing" is not enough

Many MBA applicants can boast of lofty job titles in high-profile organizations. Most present an extensive array of tasks and duties that they face each day. However, unless these activities are quantified in terms of impact, the admissions committees can only assume that the applicant is a tactician rather than leader, a plodder rather than a change agent. The future MBA who can describe his or her impact in a distinctive, convincing manner rises above the pack.

Capitalize on your differences

More than international applicants from most other countries, those from Hong Kong have a rich story of diversity. The blend of East and West, the dynamic political environment and the age-old cultural roots of this island can make for exceptional MBA essays. So, rather than downplay the differences that define Hong Kong, an applicant should showcase them. The top business schools want students who can understand and bridge cultural gaps without completely assimilating. If they wanted a homogenous student body, the schools would fill the classroom with only US-born applicants!

Admit your limitations - then overcome them

Perfection is not common among admitted MBA applicants. In fact, being a "perfect" professional, college graduate and community leader can work against you in seeking admission to a top business school. Ironically, these schools want students who need them.

While being an overachiever seems ideal, such people may have a difficult time convincing the admissions committee how much they truly need the education in order to achieve their career goals. This leaves the door wide open for the less-than-perfect applicant who tells a compelling story about why he or she must have the MBA experience in order to pursue an elevated career trajectory.

Don't start the MBA application journey alone

Applying to a top business school is an exhausting experience, usually without a happy ending. To improve one's chances for success, the smart applicant must overcome the ego-driven assumption that the application process is one that requires solitude. Whether working with a knowledgeable friend who is enrolled at a leading b-school, a mentor who is an active alumnus, or a qualified MBA admissions consultant, those applicants who utilize the experience and expertise of reliable sources can create a happier ending and a brighter future for themselves.

Make time your ally, not your enemy

Many MBA applicants spend years contemplating whether they should pursue a business school education, but initiate preparation of their applications only a few months before the application deadlines. By then, it can be too late to improve on their credentials.

The best time to formulate an action plan for MBA admissions success is two years before your projected enrollment date. Since top business schools accept first-round applications approximately 10-12 months before enrollment, this leaves just about 12 months for the applicant to identify and address those issues that will determine success. Procrastination is a luxury that you simply cannot afford.

The MBA Exchange, a Chicago-based consulting firm, counsels applicants on all aspects of admission to the world's top business schools, including credentials assessment, school targeting, application strategy, essay development and interview planning. Since its establishment in 1996, the company has helped over 80% of its clients to gain admission to top MBA programs.
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Taken from Career Times 2002/05/24


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